Certificate Safety Tips
  • For the purpose of using certificates correctly and trying to reduce the risk of your account, CFCA reminds the majority of cerificates users:
  • 1. We recommend you use USB key to store certificates (Choose the CSP of USB key and connect USB key to the computer when downloading certificates).
  • 2. To avoid using cerificates in public places or other people's computer. Immediately disconnect USB key from the computer when you have completed operation. Do not stay USB key on the computer for a long time.
  • 3. You must keep cerificates password and USB key stored certificates properly to prevent the leakage of confidential information or to be stolen by others. If certificate is lost or the leakage of password occurred, you must report the loss of formalities in time to the branch applied for, re-apply the cerificate and/or reset password according to the rules.
  • 4. Do not use simple password related to your personal data when setting password, include ID card number, birthday, telephone number and etc. Please regularly change you password.
  • 5. Carefully read the Certificates Service Agreement to define your rights and obligations.
  • 6. Provide real, integrated and exact identity information and other related information when apply for cerificates. Process the change formalities in time to the branch applied for when information changes.
  • 7. Install the newest security patches of operation system and browser to improve the system security on your computer used certificates. Install personal firewall to prevent illegal access and malicious attack. Install and regularly update anti-virus software to avoid the newest virus infraction. Do not access unknown websites, download and install unknown softwares or run unknown applications.
  • 8. Regularly access China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA) website to download and read newest CFCA Electronic Authority Practice Statement (CPS) and other related files.
  • 9. We recommend that you should regularly check your fund changes in account through the online bank, ATM or mobile SMS service of banks.